

One would think that I jump into day one with vigor and enthusiasm. Well, not really. I think I am a little scared of the task I put in front of myself. Not terrified, but a little, hm, shocked by my own courage. I've decided to make it a regular Monday. Start with the normal stuff, get rid of the weekend, get the 5+ loads of laundry going. And find a place to start. I think I will start in the little hall behind the front door. It should be  a matter of minutes and then I will be able to cross of  the first room, with out having had much to do. 

10 minutes after I wrote this I found myself cleaning out the girls' bedroom. What is wrong with me? Is there something wrong with my? Is my subconscious sabotaging me, or does it simply have a better plan? I think I will trust my gut on this one and just simply clean "by instinct".

Well. My instinct then brought me to the kitchen. I think I really need to be a little more organized with this. If I invest 4 hours a day into cleaning and organizing, they better be well spent!

surface of the day: girls wardrobe top

7 a day: kid's art

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